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Gemsbuck shoulder mount for sale G1


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Pan African Art Gallery, Gemsbuck taxidermy mounts, Gemsbuck shoulder mount for sale in South Africa. We are top leaders in Gemsbuck taxidermy mounts in Africa.

The gemsbok or gemsbuck (Oryx gazella) is a large antelope in the Oryx genus. It is native to the arid regions (for example the Kalahari Desert) of southern Africa, but formerly some authorities included the East African Oryx as a subspecies. Its current population in South Africa is 373,0

The name “gemsbok” in English is derived from Afrikaans gemsbok, which itself is derived from the Dutch name of the male chamois, gemsbok. Although some superficial similarities in appearance (especially in the facial pattern) are noticed, the chamois and the oryx are not closely related. The usual pronunciation in English is Gemzbok.

Gemsbok are light brownish-grey to tan in colour, with lighter patches toward the bottom rear of the rump. Their tails are long and black in colour. A blackish stripe extends from the chin down the lower edge of the neck, through the juncture of the shoulder and leg along the lower flank of each side to the blackish section of the rear leg. They have muscular necks and shoulders, and their legs have white ‘socks’ with a black patch on the front of both the front legs, and both genders have long, straight horns


    From tip of the horh to shoulder: 121 cm
    From back to mouth: 90 cm


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